FINALLY! The last few appointments I had were the fun "check ups" where my doctor checks to see if I'm dilated or effaced, which unfortunately, I never was. So now I was trying to get this baby to come early under my doctor's orders. He was concerned that if I wasn't getting anywhere on my own [or in this case Owen wasn't getting anywhere] then we would for sure be doing a C-Section. After a week of trying to put myself into labor with Castor Oil, [highly NOT recommended] Jogging, Jumping Jacks, Pineapple and Spicy Food, we went in to Littleton hospital to be induced. September 8th I felt a whirlwind of emotions. I think I had a permanent look of fear and worry on my face all day. That sure is how I felt on the inside. I wanted a healthy baby and a healthy mommy to take care of that healthy baby. We went in to the Emergency Room at 6:00PM and they checked us in and sent us up to labor&delivery to start the fun process of induction. The nurse had this little pill to help me dilate and thin my uterus so that they could start the pitocin, however, a few hours of just that pill I was in full blown labor. I dilated to a 3 and then a 5 fairly quickly and by this time I was really starting to feel my contractions, so of course being the big wuss that I am [and I'm not afraid to admit it] I got an epidural the moment it started to hurt. In came pure bliss. Around this time I also started to get "labor shakes" and they were miserable. I never knew shaking so much could literally wipe you out, and the worst part was that I wasn't shaking because I was cold so it's not like a warm blanket would make them go away. They lasted for roughly 13 hours and finally stopped after Owen was born when they could give me medicine. I think I was more tired from those than anything else. About 16 hours into labor my doctor came in to check me and I was dilated to an 8 and then before we knew it I was at a 9 and 100% effaced! A few hours later I was still dilated to a 9 and Owen and his large head wouldn't drop past a -1. So a C-Section it was. I started getting a fever and his heart rate wasn't spiking anymore on top of him not dropping so I knew the right choice was a C-Section. Good thing too because come to find I was literally just too little on the inside to get him out so it would have been a lot of pushing and then an emergency C-Section...Not the ideal way to have your baby come into this world, although none of them really are.
September 9th at 3:59PM with my wonderful Hubby and amazing Sister Megan by my side, Owen Todd Thomson cried for the first time. That cry was the most precious sound I have ever heard. We all just started crying and Dr Dorr, along with his partner Dr Watson started singing Happy Birthday to our little Owen. They wrapped him up in a blanket and brought him over and put him on my chest and he just stared at me. All I kept thinking was this is it, my dream of being a Mom has finally come true. It was the most emotional and incredible day of my life. New Daddy Jason was the cutest ever. He was just in such awe of this baby and he was in love from the first moment he saw him. He never left Owen's side. I had to go into recovery for an hour and then was brought up to the Post Pardem side of the hospital and was able to hold my little boy for the second time and I never wanted to let him go.
Megan stayed with us in the hospital for the next couple days and nights [THANK YOU SO much Megan and Marty for making that possible] and we were able to learn how to be parents from her and our amazing nurses that we had. Seriously Megan, we couldn't have done it without you! I can't thank you enough. Owen had SO many visitors between all of our families and friends. Everyone was so nice to come see him and us and it made the hospital stay much more fun. Owen buddy we are so happy you have joined our family and we are so incredibly lucky to be your Mom&Dad. We Love You SO much!
I didn't know you had a c-section too! Your experience sounds really similar to mine, I never progressed past an 8-9 and he wasn't engaging so they opted for a c-section. Except they didn't tell me I was too small, but that Shad was too big.
I'm really glad that you were able to see and hold him right after! I don't know why, but I kept going in and out of consciousness and had the shakes so bad, I didn't get to hold him till later, just kind put my hand on him, and I was so out of it. I really wish it would've been different for me, I feel like I missed out on that special moment, so I'm glad you didn't. :)
Congrats again!!!
Cute pic's Carla.
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