Just Another Reason Why We Love Our New Home... They have no fear...We were standing on our porch taking these. This guy kept walking towards us...Kind of freaky but so cool!
On Jason's Birthday we met Marty&Megan and Ian&Mandy at Hacienda for lunch as a joint Birthday Celebration for Jason&Megan. It was so Yummy and so much Fun! We always have a blast hanging out with them. After Hacienda J and I went to look at Jeeps [Jason's one request for his Birthday...] and then we went to PF Changs for dinner. We ordered WAY too much food but we laughed and ate our little hearts out. HAPPY BIRTHDAY J! I love you so much!
A couple of months ago we moved into our new house and we LOVE it! We built our first fire in our Awesome Fireplace and ate Yummy Chicken Noodle Soup... We sat on the couch and cuddled in front of the fire for a while and it was just perfect!
We went to Utah in Dec for our buddy Junior's Wedding and to visit Jason's Dad and Step.Mom! We had so much fun and enjoyed some much needed R&R. It was my first time in the Salt Lake Temple and it was BEAUTIFUL! I'm so happy we were able to take some time off and enjoy Friends and Family!
Wow. It's been a long time since I last posted so here's a major catch up! In Dec we went Downtown to see the Parade of Lights with Mandy&Ian and Megan&Marty and their cute kids. It was so much fun! We had Noodles&Co for dinner and then got Vanilla Steamers and Hot Chocolate from Starbucks so we could stay warm. The kids were so cute... they danced to all the music and put their hands out for High Fives from all the people walking by. Lots of Laughs and Lots of Fun!
Here are some pics from that night! Mandy was there, really she was, but for some reason all I got from her is the top of her head...